Fuck you I!
I am Kevin Bacon.
Age 66, Male
Joined on 8/12/08
Fuck you I!
Cool game!
Is Luis' Job at Newgrounds just to find out how old Kevin Bacon is so that he can have an account?
Bohemian Kevin Bacon.... <a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/happy3kmed/kevin-bacon">http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/ha ppy3kmed/kevin-bacon</a>
its kevin bacon!
WOOOOOHOO, makin' bacon!
Go fuck yourself in the pussy ya wet bacon cunt
It's a good thing the name KevinBacon wasn't TACIN loololololollame
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/straberrykiler6789/heil-bacon">http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/st raberrykiler6789/heil-bacon</a>
fuck you you poser, will smith (that is the person typing right now, because your shitty ass filter will block everything because youre an oppressive peace of SHIT) was here before you so go fuck yourself.
I think this topic needs moar KB.
yeah ya cunt
This has to be the lamest, most boring and hobo-sexual April Fools joke ever. EVER.
Ok, I don't konw what the hell is going on but you, yes YOU, have brainwashed EVERY SINGLE PERSON on Newgrounds! I'm just happy that some people haven't taken a liking to you! Well, whatever is going to happen, I hope this is just some big joke that someone had to make up... I hope...
Despite what everyone says, the game was fun for it's worth, and the art was well presented. I can only imagine how it would be trying to make a tractor (A good one.) with pixels.
Kevin Bacon is like NG's Rick Astley.
Wut the hell is going on at newgrounds. Whats all this keven bacon. Keven bacon!This proububbly isnt the real keven bacon.
O yea im stupid its april first >:c
first! and cool